Soul Searching

God is doing a work in me. That is both wonderful and hard all at the same time. I am willing. But having said that the moving is sometimes hard. The heart is quick to say yes to The Lord but the head does too much analyzing, thinking about it. I feel that The Lord wants me to blog. No, let me rephrase that, I know He does. Why? Yah, I don’t know. But I do know I am only responsible to be obedient, not to figure out why. My head wants to make sure it’s Gods will, figure out why it’s Gods will, etc. However, my heart, which has faith, is just ready to give it all I got. (And let’s just say that faith is not flawless. And it has come with many refining trials. But more on that later.)

I’ve written about life being chaotic lately. And it has felt that way. But some of that is because I feel chaotic on the inside. I’m starting to believe that is because I’m torn between my heart and my head. Sounds strange when said that way. However, I’m a thinker and a feeler. So there are times I have to keep all that in check so that doesn’t get in the way of what God wants from me. That my fiends, is where soul searching comes in. I have been on my knees before The Lord asking Him to have His will be done in my life. That I will just let go and let it be. That I will grab on and embrace everything God is doing. That I will embrace all of who He has designed me to be.

Are you doing any soul searching? What are some ways you grab on and embrace what God is going?


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